Everyone? I confess, until today I knew only a couple of things about this amazing natural mineral, which looks like rock salt and is found in many places but firstly in a town called Epsom in Surrey, just 30 km south of London. I knew it was good to soak your tired body in but I didn't know why. I knew it was good for plants because it had magnesium - and that was just about it.

Note that a hot bath with Epsom salts is not a good idea if you have diabetes or low blood pressure as the warm bath can further reduce your blood pressure. And when you come out of your bath happy, relaxed and freshly re-magnesised (is there such a word? I bet not), you should keep active if you have arthritis - as you know, you should keep those joints moving!

There is a website devoted to it (http://www.epsomsaltsoakbath.com/#), although more complete information can be found on several medical websites.
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