Blaise is now on maternity leave!
Today Friday 20th December was Blaise's last working day. From tomorrow she'll be on maternity leave, her baby due very shortly.She lasted a lot longer than we all thought she would... Find out how from her own mouth.
In our first newsletter she published some musings about pregnancy massage from her unique perspective of a mother-to-be and an experienced pregnancy massage therapist.
Pregnancy perspectives
Massage is extremely effective through every stage of pregnancy. I should know – I have had one every week throughout mine! While a weekly massage is not exactly necessary (being a massage therapist, I had other motivations behind having a weekly massage), regular massage has truly helped me bounce back from every unwanted symptom of pregnancy. From nausea to leg cramps – massage has treated them all and with great success!
The body undergoes so many miraculous and unexpected changes at each stage of your pregnancy. You are growing and housing a human being for just under a year of your own life. Your hips widen and your muscles shift. Your body is gaining a large amount of weight in a relatively short period of time and your entire centre of gravity changes! I can’t emphasise enough how important it is to support yourself through these changes. It can make a huge difference to your overall experience of pregnancy and the quality of your daily life!
Cope with change
Massage has helped me cope with rapid physical, hormonal and emotional changes. During a massage, you can take time out. You can take stock of your body and mind, turn your awareness inside and check in with the little life growing deep within. Massage has functioned as a meditation for me and has helped me mentally prepare for the big changes to come. This heightened awareness has taught me to honour and appreciate what my body is capable of. Massage has also helped me get a handle on the weekly physical changes that pregnancy brings. Nausea, headache, leg cramps, sciatica, growing pains, swelling, sleeplessness and back and upper neck pains – to name a few! Massage boosts your circulation - dissolving headaches, addressing the main cause of leg cramps and dispersing trapped fluid (swelling). It settles the nervous system, calming nausea and regulating your energy levels. It also loosens tight muscles that are strained from bearing such a large load in such as small amount of time. This is why massage can instantly resolve the sciatic nerve pain felt down your legs or resolve neck and lower back stiffness. These pains are caused by mere muscle stiffness from carrying a larger load – so it makes sense that loosening the muscles every now and then can resolve these problems – especially in later stages of pregnancy.
Slide the bump in
As you venture into your second and third trimesters, the ability to lay face down is a blessing. I have really enjoyed the pregnancy massage table we have at the centre for this very reason. It cradles your ‘bump’ softly while you lay face down. Many of my clients have said that this simple shift in weight has made them forget that they are pregnant while they often doze off to sleep. It is extremely relaxing and an incredible relief! So while you may not have a weekly massage like I have, a monthly massage is what I would recommend throughout your pregnancy. In the last few weeks, as you are bearing a greater load from point A to point B, massage every fortnight is recommended. During pregnancy, massage is not a luxury. It is a logical way to support your overall health and well being during a time of dramatic change for your body. It can help you address so much more than muscle stiffness and can help you enjoy your pregnancy at every stage.Watch Blaise demonstrate the use of the special pregnancy massage table:
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